Beginning the EOS Self-Implementing Journey with Ninety

Follow these steps to learn about the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) and the concepts that drive Ninety.

Written by Kris Snyder

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Before starting your journey with Ninety, we recommend following these steps to ensure you and your Senior Leadership Team are ready to adopt and commit to EOS.

First, Select a Champion and Get Aligned

  • Identify an individual who will lead your team to successful EOS and Ninety adoption. This person should be someone on your Senior Leadership Team and drive to learn about the EOS philosophy and champion the discipline required to get your organization aligned with implementation.
  • Have your champion read What the Heck is EOS? by Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer and Traction© by Gino Wickman to learn the best practices and philosophies driving EOS and Ninety.
  • Get everyone on your Senior Leadership Team bought in and ready to commit to the journey. This agreement is critical!

For more about the EOS Champion, review this article.


Next, Create a Ninety Account

  • Begin your free trial with Ninety by completing the sign-up.
  • Add your Senior Leadership Team by following the steps in this video.


Finally, Schedule and Complete a Focus Day™

Focus Day is a meeting in which the senior leadership team comes together to align on the foundations that set up the future of your implementation for success. Ninety’s Meetings tool has the standard Focus Day agenda with descriptions prepared so your team can facilitate the session using the software. The agenda for Focus Day is:

  • Check-In: Break the ice and share personal stories to build foundational trust. Each individual also shares their expectations for the session.
  • Hitting the Ceiling: Understand the common language and acknowledge the ceilings you have hit and will hit, and how the EOS Process™ will help get you through them and grow.
  • The Accountability Chart™: Define and capture your team’s roles and responsibilities, ensuring everything is covered and you have the Right People in the Right Seats. Review the Accountability Chart tool to help make this a success.
  • Rocks: Establish SMART goals for your company by capturing Long-Term Issues and making them into Rocks (90-day goals) by aligning on and prioritizing what’s important.
  • Meeting Pulse: Identify a meeting cadence to conduct your weekly Level 10 Meetings. These should occur during the same time each week and all team members should prioritize being there.
  • Scorecard: Identify, capture, and begin populating the Measurables your team identifies as company success metrics in the Scorecard tool.
  • Next Steps: Review your commitments and steps to be completed before your next session.
  • Conclude: Share thoughts about the session, discuss whether each person’s expectations were met, and rate (on a scale of 1-10) how the meeting went.

What to Do after Your Focus Day

  • Schedule and prepare for your first Level 10 Meeting™ by following Ninety’s onboarding journey.
  • Begin exploring the V/TO® tool (Vision/Traction Organizer®), capturing any existing components. Then, after about a month, schedule your first Vision Building® Day, outlined in Traction, during which your Senior Leadership Team will continue developing the Focus Day tools and begin clarifying your company vision.

Our Team is Here to Help

Ninety offers free live-learning opportunities with our software and client success experts, including webinars, workshops, office hours, and live chat. If you need real-time support, contact our team using the chat icon on the bottom-right of any Ninety screen.