Text and Daily Email Reminders

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Set up a phone number to receive reminders about your Rocks and To-do's! You can also subscribe to get a daily email.

Both methods serve a different purpose, with emails being a daily reminder of tasks, while texts are a push notification only when there is a to-do or Rock due.

Email Reminder

These can be sent daily, and the day/time is chosen via the User Settings.

Each user must adjust these settings for themself.

In User Settings, the person can choose the day/time to get these emails.

When you invite a new user, by default, they will be signed up to get a daily email from Ninety, and it will always include:

  • Upcoming To-Dos, Rocks and Milestones
  • Past Due To-Dos, Rocks and Milestones
  • A Reminder at the end to add their Issues, Headlines and fill out Measurable's before the next meeting.

Text Notification

Ninety's texting service is designed to send you notifications about upcoming Rocks and To-Dos. 

When do I receive my reminders?

  • To-Dos: 2 days before the item is due
  • Rocks: 30, 15, and 7 days before the item is due

To ensure you receive reminders, please activate your phone number. Just like the email reminder, this must be set up by the individual user, not by another person in the company.

Note: These are not customizable right now, but we plan to make them in the future. Reminders are not available via email now, but we plan to add this in the future as well.