Using Henryx — Ninety's Text Service

Henryx is Ninety's service to add Rocks, To-Dos, and Issues, retrieve info, and get reminders via text message.

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Henryx is Ninety's texting service. After adding your phone number, you can text Henryx to add and retrieve content from your Ninety account.

What If I'm on Multiple Teams?

Henryx recognizes you're on multiple teams. When you add an Issue, Henryx will ask what team you want to put it on. 

What If I'm in Multiple Companies?

Henryx recognizes if you're in multiple companies, too.


Activating Henryx

  1. Visit Settings.
  2. Click Notifications.
  3. Click the Henryx tab.
  4. Click Add Company.
  5. Input your phone number and enter the verification code.
  6. Read the first message from Henryx.


Helpful Henryx Text Prompts

  • Get my To-Dos
  • Get my Rocks
  • Get my Issues
  • Change Company
  • Change team
  • Add Issue
  • Add Rock
  • Add To-Do
  • Add headlines